- Estaba parlan amb el janitor i amb fa preguntes
- desprès em diu que m´he d'anar el despatx del docotor
- quant vaig arribar el despatx desprès amb diu que continue
- quant estan parlan estan parlan de vampirs
- la enfermera i el docort estan palan amb unes noies per donar-les un medicament per convertir-les en vampirs, desprès va saber que la seva germana estaba aqui.
- amb va trucarel doctor amb va dir que m'he danar a la tenda d'esports per comprar una llança per agafar les claus.
- Quan vaig arribar a la tenda no tenia diners per comprar la llança i tornant a sortir per cambiar el chec per diners i vaig anar el banc i baig cambiar el chec.
- desprès vaig tornar el despatx del doctor per agafar les claus desprès amb va trucar el junitor amb va dir quant agafes les claus he d'anar a comprar el bestit blanc del doctor.
divendres, 6 de maig del 2011
list the movements in the gamme
- He went to hte information desk.
- He wastup to tha fast flour, to the duty.
- He went in the shop and ask for a person who can help hin.
- He went to the passaport control and the fond saldors.
- He went back to the duty free shop ar a and tried find the janitor
- I went to a restauran to ha diner.
dimecres, 30 de març del 2011
_ (Excuse-me) How can I get to the book store?
_Go straight on pine street turn right on the Oak Street.
_ (Excuse-me) How can I get to the jewelry store ?
_Go straight on the Seconde Avenue turn right on the forest street after turn left on the Hill Avenue.
- (Excuse-me) How can i get to __________?. Com puc arribar a ____________?.
- Go straight on........ passa recte en aquest camí
- Go past the first trafic light passa el primer semafór
- Turn left Gira a l'esquerra
- Turn rigt Gira a la dreta
- Turn halft the roundabout Gira mitge rotonda
_ (Excuse-me) How can I get to the book store?
_Go straight on pine street turn right on the Oak Street.
_ (Excuse-me) How can I get to the jewelry store ?
_Go straight on the Seconde Avenue turn right on the forest street after turn left on the Hill Avenue.
dimarts, 15 de març del 2011
Would you like to be a vegetarian? Give reasons.
No, because i perfer non-vegetarian than vegetarian. I like eat meat, fish and eggs and i think in vegetarian food isn't very viatamins.
No, because i perfer non-vegetarian than vegetarian. I like eat meat, fish and eggs and i think in vegetarian food isn't very viatamins.
what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday?
Yesterday, I ate for breakfast: a glass of milk, bread with cheese. For lunch i ate: a plate of rice, chicken's soup,an apple and a glass of orange juice. For dinner i ate: fry potatoes with kecthup, beef , pasta, an orange and a yougurt.
What do you think, is your diet healthy? Give reasons.
I think my diet is healthy because acorrding to the pyramid i have to eat 6-11 servings pasta, rice, cereal & bread and 2-3 servings meat, fish dry beans, eggs, nuts etc. I ate only 3 servings but i also ate meat, fruits, vegetables and other servings. So i think my diet is not unhealthy.
Yesterday, I ate for breakfast: a glass of milk, bread with cheese. For lunch i ate: a plate of rice, chicken's soup,an apple and a glass of orange juice. For dinner i ate: fry potatoes with kecthup, beef , pasta, an orange and a yougurt.
What do you think, is your diet healthy? Give reasons.
I think my diet is healthy because acorrding to the pyramid i have to eat 6-11 servings pasta, rice, cereal & bread and 2-3 servings meat, fish dry beans, eggs, nuts etc. I ate only 3 servings but i also ate meat, fruits, vegetables and other servings. So i think my diet is not unhealthy.
Which is your favourite vegetable?
dijous, 24 de febrer del 2011

dijous, 20 de gener del 2011
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